Hopital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles Haiti
Hopital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles Haiti
Hopital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) is an integrated system of health care that provides hospital treatment and public health and development programs for the 285,000 impoverished people of the
Artibonite Valley in Haiti.
Far more than a hospital, the Hospital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) network reaches hundreds of thousands of people in a 610-square-mile area, proactively working with communities to prevent illness and premature death.

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Listing Details
Visit Site: | Hopital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles Haiti |
Filed in: | Haiti Health, Medicine, Haiti Hospitals |
Ratings: | 10.00 |
Hits: | 176 |
Date Added: | 22 August 2000 |
Last Updated: | 9 June 2018 |