Haiti Online Directory

  • The Siloe Project
    Siloe (SEE-lo-way) began in 1982 when a group of volunteers traveled together to work for Mother Theresa's Missionaries of Charity in...
  • The Episcopal Church in Haiti
    The Episcopal Church in Haiti (l'Eglise Episcopale d'Haiti in French) dates from 1861 when a group of 110 African-Americans immigrated to Haiti...
  • Hopital Sainte Croix de Leogane
    Hopital Sainte Croix de Leogane was established in 1968 by the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti in partnership with the Presbyterian Church (USA). Its...
  • Hopital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles Haiti
    Hopital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) is an integrated system of health care that provides hospital treatment and public health and development programs...
  • Hopital Bienfaisance de Pignon
    Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon (HBP) is a hospital in the small town of Pignon, North, Haiti founded by Doctor Guy Deve Theodore.
  • Haiti Medical Page
    List of Haiti's resources in the field of Health: Hospitals, Associations and Medical Societies. This site puts at your disposal a search engine of...
  • Consulat General de la Republique d'Haiti a Montreal
    Site officiel du Consulat general d'Haiti a Montreal. Informations generales sur Haiti et Galerie virtuelle presentant les oeuvres d'artistes...
  • Eben-Ezer SDA French Speaking Church, Atlanta GA
    Eben-Ezer SDA French Speaking Church Atlanta is a a French, Creole and English speaking church in Atlanta GA.
  • Nord Ouest Reuni
    Nord Ouest Reuni is a Haitian organization formed by sons, daughters and friends from North-West Haiti to strengthen ties, help each other and...
  • Project LOV - First Haitian music band with Calypso steel drums
    LOV is the first Haitian Konpa music band to embrace the popular sound of Calypso steel drums in their music. They will create a new genre in what...