Haiti Forum
Kilès ki te vini ak Police Rurale Chef Seksyon en Haiti?
Gen moun ki ap mande kilès ki gouvenman ki te vini avek koze police rurale ak chef section en Haiti men repons... more »Fouye Haiti, October 31, 2017 8:38 AM
Martine Moise Haiti
Pou moun ki a la recherche Martine Moise Haiti, ki se premiere dame de la Republique la, Martine Moise, w'ap jwen... more »Martine Moise Info, October 28, 2017 11:57 PM
Ki lè Toussaint Louverture te mouri, ki kote?
Men yon kesyon anpil moun ap mande: ki lè Toussaint Louverture te mouri, ki kote? Men Repons la. Toussaint... more »Istwa Dayiti, October 28, 2017 11:52 PM
RE: What is the Haitian Creole word for Lima Beans, peas, Kidney beans, Pinto beans
My creole spelling may be off but that's How they say it. Poi tues, poi vert, poi rouge, poi Miami and Poi Congo is... more »Daffy, May 28, 2017 8:31 AM
What is the Haitian Creole word for Lima Beans, peas, Kidney beans, Pinto beans
Does anyone know the Haitian Creole translation for the different beans out there? What is Lima Beans in Creole? Chic... more »Roberta, May 27, 2017 7:51 PM
Mizikpam Internet Radio
Checkout the brand New Mizikpam Haitian Music Internet Radio for your favorite Haitian Tunes 24/7!! Mizikpam.com more »Mizikpam, July 30, 2016 2:07 PM
BelPawol Haiti Chat Room
Belpawol Haiti Chat room la toujou sou belpawol.com more »Fouye, November 28, 2015 11:44 AM
RE: Haiti Education Nationale
Informations sur l'education dans les communes du department de l'Artibonite. Telles: Gros Morne, Plaine de l'arbre... more »Roger Clavin, March 6, 2015 9:32 AM
RE: Pastor Jacques G. Fourcand
Please could you help me to find out about my real life. Because I never know my family, but all I know is this Pastor... more »Daniel Pierre, February 22, 2015 8:07 AM
RE: Pastor Jacques G. Fourcand
Your parents were lecturers (teachers) at Lifeline International School of Ministry in Los Angeles, California when I... more »Daniel Pierre, February 22, 2015 7:40 AM