Dominique - Haiti Forum
Topic and comments posted by Dominique
RE: Haiti is Judah, Port Au Prince is the Port of the Messiah the Prince
October 9, 2012 12:19 PM
Thank you Yis Sh Yah, I will definitely check out We all need to share what we have learned so far so... more »
RE: Haiti is Judah, Port Au Prince is the Port of the Messiah the Prince
October 9, 2012 11:17 AM
Yes the creator's name is Yah, but it may not be the only appellative used. The prophets (Jeremiah 1:6) called Him... more »
Haiti is Judah, Port Au Prince is the Port of the Messiah the Prince
October 7, 2012 12:55 PM
Father God be with you brothers and sister: It is without doubt that the West Indian Islands and the Americas are... more »
RE: Haitians, heir of the Hebrew/Israelites priesthood..
October 7, 2012 12:32 PM
Father God be with you brothers and sister: It is without doubt that the West Indian Islands and the Americas are... more »
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