Dominique - Haiti Forum

Topic and comments posted by Dominique

RE: Haiti is Judah, Port Au Prince is the Port of the Messiah the Prince

Thank you Yis Sh Yah, I will definitely check out We all need to share what we have learned so far so... more »

RE: Haiti is Judah, Port Au Prince is the Port of the Messiah the Prince

Yes the creator's name is Yah, but it may not be the only appellative used. The prophets (Jeremiah 1:6) called Him... more »

Haiti is Judah, Port Au Prince is the Port of the Messiah the Prince

Father God be with you brothers and sister: It is without doubt that the West Indian Islands and the Americas are... more »

RE: Haitians, heir of the Hebrew/Israelites priesthood..

Father God be with you brothers and sister: It is without doubt that the West Indian Islands and the Americas are... more »

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